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Information in other languages
Information from authorities about the coronavirus and covid-19 in other languages.
As of Wednesday, February the 9th, most measures against covid-19 were removed. However, the pandemic is not over and several of the municipality's operations are still under a strained situation because of high absence due to sickness. The municipality of Ödeshög therefore emphasizes the importance of following the recommendations that prevail. It is still important to get vaccinated and to stay home when having symptoms.
Information about covid-19
Information about covid-19 in English (
Information about covid-19 in other languages (
Information about covid -19 in other languages (
Information about the vaccinationprocess
Vaccination is the most effective way to protect yourself and loved ones against covid-19, and also helps reduce the spread of the virus in the community.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) and Region Östergötland (1177) have the main responsibility for issues related to vaccination against covid-19 in this region. You can find out more about the vaccine and the vaccination process in nineteen different languages through the links below , including how to book an appointment.
Information about the vaccination process in nineteen different languages at
Information for people who are getting vaccinated, 19 different languages, at
Ödeshögs kommun
Besöksadress: Stora torget 3, 599 80 Ödeshög
Postadress: Ödeshögs kommun, 599 80 Ödeshög
0144-350 00 växel